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Unit 7. Basic actions 2

Unit 7. Basic actions 2.

(Instruction guide)

New Door Installation

To install a new door in your home, follow these simple steps:

1. Check the door opening. Make sure the sides are plumb.

2. Lift the door into the opening and slide it into place.

3. Support the door with boards or have another person hold it. Line up the door to the hinges.

4. Attach the door to the hinges. Turn the screws until they are against the hinges.

5. Open and close the door. If it does not swing freely, loosen the screws. But do not remove them. Insert shims to center the door and tighten the screws.

6. Insert the doorknob. Tighten the screws until they are secure.

7. Twist the doorknob to make sure it operates correctly.

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1 - What actions are done when using a screwdriver?

2 - What is another word for taking a screw out?


2. Read the guide to installing a door. Then, mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

1 __The doorknob is inserted before the door is put in place.

2 __The installation requires two people.

3 __Shims should be inserted if the door does not open and close correctly.


3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

1 - support

2 - slide

3 - remove

4 - insert

5 - turn

6 - twist

A. _to push something horizontally

B. _to keep something from falling down

C. _to change something's direction

D. _to take something out of something else

E. _ to cause something to rotate

F. _to put something inside something else

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.

loosen center check tighten line up

1. Please__________that picture between the two others.

2. You should_________that screw more before it falls out.

3. Could you__________to see if that is the right length?

4. Turn screws left to__________them.

5. Make sure the two ends of the pipe__________correctly.

5. Listen and read the guide to installing a door again.

What should people do if a door does not open and close correctly?


6. Listen to a conversation between two construction workers. Choose the correct


1.What is the conversation mainly about?

A. installing a new doorknob

B. repairing a door installation

C. testing a door installation

D. listing steps of an installation

2 .What will the woman likely do next?

A. test the door

B. remove the screws

C. center the plate

D. support the door

7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Worker 1: Hay, Brenda, did you install this door?

Worker 2: Yes, I did. Is 1_________ _________?

Worker 1: It's not closing properly.

Worker 2: Oh, I'm sorry about that. What should I do

2________ _________ _________?

Worker 1: First, 3_________ __________ __________ on the bottom hinge. Then insert a shim and tighten the screws again.

Worker 2: Okay, I'll do that 4__________ ___________ But can you give me a hand?

Worker 1: 5_________. What do you need?

Worker 2: I'll need you to 6 ___________ ___________while I insert the shim.


8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.


Did you...


Can you give me a hand?

Student A: You are a construction worker. Talk to Student B about:

· a problem with a door

· what is wrong with the door

· how to fix the problem

Student B: you are a construction worker. Talk to Student A about a problem with the door.


9. Use the guide and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the construction worker's notes.

Door Installation




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