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add [V-T-U8] To add numbers is to combine them.

adjustable wrench [N-COUNT-U2] An adjustable wrench is a wrench with an opening that can be changed in size.

air compressor [N-COUNT-U3] An air compressor is a tool that creates energy by increasing pressure on gas or electrical power and releases it in short bursts. This energy is used to power other devices.

anchor [N-COUNT-U4] An anchor is a fastener often used when screws, nails, or other fasteners are impractical or ineffective.

bathroom [N-COUNT –U14] A bathroom is a room where people use the toilet and take a shower or bath.

bedroom [N-COUNT -U14] A bedroom is a room where a person sleeps.

bolt [N-COUNT-U4] A bolt is a metal fastener with a threaded body that is held in place with a nut on the end opposite the head.

box-end wrench [N-COUNT-U2] A box-end wrench is a wrench with an enclosed opening that grasps the face of a bolt.

brad [N-COUNT-U4] A brad is a thin, small nail with a slight projection at the top on one side.

brick [N-COUNT –U11] Brick is a building material made of rectangular blocks of hardened clay.

cement mixer [N-COUNT -U3] A cement mixer is a machine that combines the components that make cement in a large circular barrel that rotates.

center [V-T-U7] To center something is to move is so that it is in the middle of an area.

centimeter [N-COUNT –U1O] A centimeter is a metric unit of length equal to 1/100th of a meter.

chalk line reel [N-COUNT -U2] A chalk line reel is a tool for marking a long, straight line on a flat surface.

check [V-T-U7] To check something is to make sure it is correct.

cinder block [N-COUNT –U11] A cinder block is a lightweight building block made from concrete.

circular saw [N-COUNT -U3] A circular saw is a tool that uses a rotating metal disk with sharp teeth to cut through wood or metal.

claw hammer [N-COUNT-U1] A claw hammer is a tool used to insert nails into a wall or other object.

come to [PHR V-T-U8] To come to an amount is to add up to that amount.

communication [N-UNCOUNT -U13] Communication is sharing information with someone.

compactor [N-COUNT -U3] A compactor is a machine that bounces on the ground to compact soil.

concrete [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Concrete is a mix of cement,water, gravel, and sand used as a building material.

confirm [V-T-U13] To confirm a statement is to make sure it is true.

consult [V-T-U13] To consult someone is to ask him or her for his or her opinion or advice.

contact [V-T-U13] To contact someone is to begin exchanging messages with him or her.

convert [V-T -U9] To convert a number is to change is from a fraction into a decimal, or vice versa.

cut [V-T-U6] To cut something is to divide it with a sharp instrument such as a saw.

decimal [N-COUNT –U9] A decimal is a number with digits to the right of a decimal point, expressing part of a whole number.

denominator [N-COUNT -U9] A denominator is the bottom number of a fraction.

depth [N-UNCOUNT -U12] Depth is the distance measurement of something from its front to its back or its bottom to its top.

dimensions [N-PLURAL-U12] Dimensions are basic physical properties of an object, such as height, width, or weight.

divide by [V-T-U8] To divide one number by another is to split the first number into an equal number of parts.

drill [V-T -U6] To drill something is to create a hole in it by using a drill.

drywall [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Drywall is a building material that consists of gypsum between heavy sheets of paper, used for interior walls.

dust mask [N-COUNT-U5] is a partial face-covering that prevents the wearer from getting dust particles in his or her nose or mouth.

earplugs [N-PLURAL-U5] small, flexible pieces of rubber or plastic that are put in the ears to protect them from loud noises.

elevator [N-COUNT-U15] is a machine that moves up and down, carrying people and things between floors of a building.

email [N-COUNT-U13] is digital text message, similar to a letter, but sent through the Internet.

emergency [N-COUNT-U15] emergency is an unexpected situation that requires instant action.

entrance [N-COUNT-U15] a door that people use to go into a building or room.

equal [V-I-U8] To equal a number is to have the same value as it.

exit [N-COUNT-U15] An exit is a door that people use to leave a building or room.

exit sign [N-COUNT-U15] is a sign that indicates where a person can go to get out of a building.

face shield [N-COUNT-U5] A face shield is a piece of safety equipment, typically made of plastic, glass, or wire, that protects the entire face from dangers like flying objects.

fax [V-T-U13] To fax a document is to send a copy of it using a machine that sends information by telephone.

fire escape [N-COUNT-U15] A fire escape is an emergency exit, from a building. Usually it consists of a staircase on the outside of a building that a person can get onto via a window.

first aid kit [N-COUNT-U5] A first kit is container that has all of the basiс supplies needed to treat a minor injury.

flathead screwdriver [N-COUNT-U1] is a tool used to turn slotted screws.

floor [N-COUNT-U15] A floor a level a building where there are usually many different rooms.

flooring [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Flooring is the material used in floors.

foot [N-COUNT-U10] A foot is an imperial unit of length, equal to 12 inches.

fraction [N-COUNT-U9] A fraction is a ratio of two numbers, expressed with one number written above the other.

gallon [N-COUNT-U10] A gallon is the basic imperial unit of volume.

garage [N-COUNT-U14] A garage is the part of a house where people park cars.

glass [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Glass is a solid, breakable, and transparent material often used to make windows.

goggles [N-PLURAL-U5] Goggles are a type of protective eyewear that cover the eyes and the area around them. They protect the eyes from particles that may fly out while using power tools or doing construction work.

grade [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Grade is a measurement of a bolt’s strength, usually stamped on the bolt’s head.

grip gloves [N-PLURAL-U5] Grip gloves are gloves that have a rubbery coating on the outside, which allows the user to hold onto things more firmly.

hacksaw [N-COUNT-U1] A hacksaw is a tool with a blade generally used for cutting metal.

hallway [N-COUNT-U15] A hallway is typically a long passageway that connects rooms.

hammer drill [N-COUNT-U3] is a tool that makes holes in hard surfaces like stone by using a rotating drill bit and applying force in a back-and-forth motion.

hand-saw [N-COUNT-U1] is a saw with a handle and a broad semi-flexible metal blade with small teeth for cutting wood.

hard hat [N-COUNT-U5] is a helmet made of metal or plastic that protects the head on construction sites.

height |N-UNCOUNT-U12] Height is the measurement from the bottom to the top of something.

imperial [ADJ-U10] if a measurement is imperial, it is from the English System of measurement, mostly used in the United States today.

inch [N-COUNT-U10] An inch is the basic imperial unit of length.

insert [ V-T-U7] To insert something is to put it inside something else.

jackhammer [N-COUNT-U3] A jackhammer is a tool that breaks up very hard surfaces like rock or pavement.

jamb [N-COUNT-U12] A jamb is a vertical part of a door or window frame.

kilogram [N-COUNT-U10] A kilogram is the basic metric unit of mass, equal to one thousand grams.

kitchen [N-COUNT-U14] A kitchen is a room where people cook and sometimes eat.

kneepads [N-PLURAL-U5] Kneepads are a type of protective equipment that provide cushioning to protect the knees in the case of a fall and provide comfort when doing tasks that involve kneeling.

leather gloves [N-PLURAL-U5] Leather gloves are a type of safety equipment that protect the hands while doing hazardous work.

length [N-UNCOUNT- U12] Length is the measurement of something along its longest side.

leveI [N-COUNT-U1] A level is a tool used to measure how flat something is.

lift [V-T-U6] To lift something is to pick it up.

line up [V-T-U7] To line up an object with something else is to place it so that certain parts of each object are in the correct place.

liter [N-COUNT-U10] A liter is the basic metric unit of volume.

living room [N-COUNT-U14] A living room is a room intended for socializing or entertaining.

lobby [N-COUNT-U15] A lobby is a room located at the entrance of a building.

loosen [V-T-U7] To loosen something is to turn it make it easier to remove.

lumber [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Lumber is processed wood used as a building material.

mark [V-T-U6] To mark something is to write a sign on it for reference.

master bedroom [N-COUNT-U14] A master bedroom is usually the biggest bedroom in a house. Typically, this is where the owner of the house sleeps.

measure [V-T-U6] To measure something is calculate the size or quantity or it.

meter [N-COUNT-U10] A meter is the basic metric unit of length.

metric [ADJ-U10] If a measurement is metric, it is from the International System of Measurement, used in many countries today.

metric thread [ N-UNCOUNT-U4] Metric thread is measurement of a scfew's thread in the metric system.

minus [PREP-U8] Minus is used to show that one number is being removed from another.

mixed number [N-COUNT-U9] A mixed number is a number that contains a whole number and a fraction.

multiply [V-T-U8] To multiply a number is to add it to itself a number of times.

nail [N-COUNT-U4] A nail is a metal fastener shaped like a spike, driven into place with a hammer.

nail [V-T-U6] To nail something is to attach it to something else using a nail.

nail gun [ N-COUNT- U3] A nail gun is a device that puts nails into a hard material, like wood, when the user pulls a trigger.

needle-nose pliers [ N-PLURAL-U1] Needle-nose pliers are hand tools with long, narrow extensions on the end, used to reach into narrow gaps.

numerator [N-COUNT-U9] A numerator is the upper number of a fraction.

nut [N-COUNT-U4] A nut is a piece of metal with a hole through it and internal threads, that screws onto a bolt.

office [N-COUNT-U15] An office is a room in which a person does his or her work.

open-end wrench [N-COUNT-U42] An open-end wrench is a wrench that has a U-shaped opening at the end to grasp opposite sides of a bolt.

patio [N-COUNT-U14] A patio is an outdoor area next to a house where people sometimes eat or relax.

PDF [N-COUNT-U13] A PDF (Portable Document Format) is a computer document that can be displayed on any kind of computer, independent of hardware or software.

percent [N-COUNT-U9] A percent is a number that expresses a part of something per hundred.

percentage [N-COUNT-U9] A percentage is the amount of something expressed as part of one hundred.

Phillips screwdriver [N-COUNT-U1] A Phillips screwdriver is a tool used to turn Phillips screws, which have two short slots that meet at a right angle.

place [V-T-U6] To place something is to set it somewhere.

plastic [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Plastic is a manmade material made of organic compounds that can be easily molded into many shapes.

plumb bob [N-COUNT-U2] A plumb bob is a weight attached to a line used to determine if something is perpendicular to something else.

plus [PREP-U8] Plus is used to show that two numbers are being combined.

pound [N-COUNT-U10] A pound is the basic imperial unit of mass.

power drill [N-COUNT-U3] A power drill is an electrically powered tool that makes holes in surfaces by rotating a drill bit.

push [V-T-U6] To push something is to apply force to it so that it moves away.

rebar [N-COUNT-U11] A rebar is a steel bar used to reinforce concrete and masonry structures.

reciprocating saw [N-COUNT-U3] A reciprocating saw is an electrically powered tool that cuts through surfaces using a blade that moves back and forth..

reduce [V-T-U9] To reduce a fraction is to divide the numerator and denominator by the same number until they can no longer be divided into whole numbers.

remainder [N-COUNT-U8] A remainder is the number that is left over after a division operation which does not divide into equal parts.

remove [V-T-U7] To remove something is to take it out of something else.

repeat [V-T-U6] To repeat an action is to do it again.

roof [N-COUNT-U14] A roof is a structure that covers a house or building.

round up [V-T-U8] To round up a number is to increase it to a greater whole number.

rubber [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Rubber is a bendable material that is either manmade or comes from the sap of the rubber tree.

safety glasses [N-PLURAL-U5] Safety glasses are a type of protective eyewear which have plastic lenses that will not shatter.

sander [N-COUNT-U3] A sander is an electrically powered tool that uses sandpaper to make wooden and metal surfaces smooth.

scan [V-T-U13] To scan something is to make an electronic copy of it.

screw [N-COUNT-U4] A screw is a metal fastener with a threaded shank driven into place with a screwdriver.

screw [V-T-U6] To screw something is to connect it to something else using a screw.

sill [N-COUNT-U12] A sill is a horizontal bar that forms the base of a window.

sledgehammer [N-COUNT-U2] A sledgehammer is a hammer with a large, flat head made of metal, giving it a very powerful force when used.

slide [V-T-U7] To slide something is to push it horizontally along the surface of something else.

slip-joint pliers [N-PLURAL-U1] Slip-joint pliers are hand tools with parallel, flat pincers used for gripping small objects. Slip-joint pliers also have an adjustable slot that allows the pliers to increase the opening of the jaws.

smartphone [N-COUNT-U13] A smartphone is a mobile phone that has advanced features such as Internet access and touchscreen controls.

snips [N-PLURAL-U2] Snips are strong scissors used to cut sheet metal or similar materials.

socket [N-COUNT-U2] A socket is a head that attaches to a wrench for tightening different sized bolts.

socket wrench [N-COUNT U2] A socket wrench is a wrench with heads that are attached to a fitting and can be changed.

speed square [N-COUNT-U2] A speed square is a triangle-shaped tool used to draw straight lines and angles

stairwell [IN-COUNT-U15] A stairwell is the in a building.

staple [N-COUNT-U4] A staple is a U-shaped metal or wire tastener used to hold something penetrating it and curling around it. strong metal alloy made of iron and carbon.

steel-toe boots [IN-PLURAL-U5] Steel-toe boots are boots that have extra reinforcement at the toe, typically a plate made of steel. This protects the wearer's feet from heavy falling objects

strength [IN-UNCOUNT U12] Strength is the measurement of how powerful something is or how much resistance it has.

subtract [V-T-U8] To subtract a number is to reduce a second number by that amount.

support [V-T-U7] To support something is to keep it from falling down.

tape measure [N-COUNT-U1] A tape measure is a tool used to determine the length of something.

thickness [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Thickness is the distance measurement of something from one surface to the other.

tighten [V-T-U7] To tighten something is to make it tighter and harder to remove.

tool box [N COUNT-U1] A tool box is a portable container used to carry tools.

total [V-T-UB] If something totals something else, it comes to that amount.

turn [V-T-U7] To turn something is to change its direction.

twist [V-T-U7] To twist something is to cause it to rotate.

two-way radio [N-COUNT-U13] A two-way radio is a radio that can both send and receive information over broadcast signals.

utility knife [IN-COUNT-U17] A utility knife is a small tool used to cut various materials, such as cardboard or rope.

utility room [N-COUNT-U14] A utility room Is a room where people do laundry and store items that do not get used every day.

UTS thread [N-UNCOUNT-U4] UTS thread (Unified Thread Standard thread) is a measurement of a screw's thread.

walk-in closet [N-COUNTU14] A walk-in closet is a place where people store clothes. These rooms are usually big enough for a person to walk around in them.

washer [N-COUNT-U4] A washer is a flat disk placed beneath a nut to distribute pressure and prevent leaking.

weight [N-UNCOUNT-U12] weight is the measurement of how heavy something is.

whole number [N-COUNT-U9] A whole number is a number that is not divided into parts.

width [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Width is the distance measurement of something from one side of it to the other.

yard [N-COUNT-U10] A yard is an imperial measurement of length equal to three feet.

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