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Unit 13. Floor plans

Unit 13. Floor plans

(website) Building permits: FLOOR PLANS What is a floor plan? A floor plan is a detailed diagram of your propose building layout. It describes the type of building as we as all major features. It is typically shown from a bird eye view. Every building project must submit a floor plan. What must be included in a floor plan? Every floor plan must specify the dimensions of the building and all interior rooms. The placement of all fixtures such as for plumbing and lighting must be marks. Spaces for large appliances such as refrigeration typically labeled as well. However, these labels are required. Last, indicate nearby streets and utility access. When do I submit a floor plan? Submit a copy of your floor plan when your architect finalizes the design. The floor plan must be approved before you can begin excavation. 1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1. What is a detailed diagram of the inside of a building called? 2. Taps and sockets are examples of what? Reading 2. Read the government website about building permits. Then, choose the correct answers. 1. What is the purpose of the website? A. to demonstrate the layout of a floor plan B. to explain requirements for floor plans C. to help contractors submit floor plans D. to describe the floor plan approval process

2. Which of the following does NOT have to be included in a floor plan? A. the dimensions of the building B. the placement of fixtures C. the function of every room D. the labels for appliance spaces 3. When should people submit a floor plan? A once they begin excavation B when the construction is finished C when the architect completes the design D after they have a first draft of the plan Vocabulary 3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F) 1 __ fixture 4 __ building layout 2 __ interior 5 __ indicate 3 __ specify 6 __ bird’s-eye view A. the inside part of a building or other structure B. showing a view from above C. a diagram drawn to scale showing the detailed features of an entire building D. a part of a building that is fixed in place and permanent E. to point something out or make it know F. to state or mark something clearly or in detail 4. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks. 1. floor plan / function A The ___________ of this fixture is not marked. B He needs to see the __________ of that office again. 2. dimension / placement A The _________ of this room are not marked on the diagram. B Without the ______ of fixtures on the floor plan, we won’t know where to install them. 3. diagram / appliance A This ________ is from a bird’s-eye view. B It is not clear what kind of _______ this is in the kitchen.

5. Listen and read the government website about building permits again. What are some features that should be included in a floor plan submission? Listening 6. Listen to a conversation between an architect and a contractor. Mark the following statement as true (T) or false (F) 1__ The woman calls about an error in the floor plan 2__ The floor plan is for a new office building 3__ The floor plan should not include appliance positions

7. Listen again and complete the conversation. Contractor: I wanted to talk about the floor plan for the office we’re building. Architect: I received your email earlier. We’re just starting to 1________ ______ the floor plan. Contractor: That’s great. Do you need any more 2________________? Architect: 3_____ _______ ______ ______ more about the purpose of the office? Contractor: It’s a pretty standard 4______ _____. It’ll have a large room for desks and some offices along the walls. Architect: I see. 5______ ______ desks should fit in the large room? Contractor: The client wants 6______ ______ for fifteen. Architect: Okay. Should standard bathroom and break room fixtures be included? Contractor: Yes. There should be room for a full-size refrigerator in the break room. Speaking 8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: I wanted to talk to you about… Could you tell me… It’ll have a… Student A: You are an architect. Talk to Student B about: - the floor plan for a new building - what will be included - appliances placement Student B: You are a contractor. Talk to Student A about the floor plan for a new office.

Writing 9.Use the website and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the floor plan design. Glenn Associates FLOOR PLAN DESIGN Type of building: ____________________________________________________ Space required: _____________________________________________________ Fixtures and appliances: ______________________________________________


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