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Unit1. Careers

Unit1. Careers. (Job listings) JOS Contractors is taking applications for three skilled positions: carpenter, electrician, and HVAC technician. Applicants must be fully licensed with three years of work experience. We will also consider forming subcontractor partnerships with established businesses. Submit a resume and cover letter to AUK Construction seeks semiskilled roofers, painters, and masons. We will provide training. This is a valuable opportunity to gain on-the-job work experience. However, applicants should have some experience in construction. Send references and work history to TPX Management is hiring unskilled laborers for general work at a construction site. Workers must be able to lift more than 25 kilograms. If interested, please call (643) 555-5648. We are also seeking a foreman to lead this crew. The ideal candidate should have at least two years' previous supervisory experience. Submit a resume and cover letter to

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. What are some different construction careers? 2. What material does a carpenter work with?

Reading 2. Read the job listings for construction companies. Then, choose the correct answers. 1. What is a requirement for being hired by JOS Contractors? A. being fully licensed. B. being able to lift 25 kilograms. C. having an established business. D. having previous supervisory experience.

2. Which of the following positions is AUK Construction NOT hiring? A. roofers B. masons

C. painters

D. carpenters 3. What position can a person with no experience apply for? A. painter B. laborer C. foreman

D. subcontractor


3. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). 1. __ contractor 2. __ carpenter 3. __ foreman 4. __HVAC technician

5. __laborer

6. __ electrician

7. __ mason

A a person who uses physical strength and abilities to earn money. B a person skilled in installing and repairing heating, venting, and air conditioning systems. C a person who runs a company that is hired to build or repair a building. D a person who is trained to wire buildings and repair electrical problems. E a person who is trained to use wood to create buildings and other structures. F a person who builds structures with stone or brick. G the leader of a construction work crew. 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

roofer, semiskilled, painter, skilled, subcontractor, unskilled. 1. The contractor hired a(n) ________ to install the HVAC system in the building. 2. An electrician is considered a(n) ________ professional. 3. Hire a(n) ________ to paint the exterior walls. 4. ________ workers usually have some training, but are paid less than highly-skilled workers. 5. The contractor used ________ workers to move building materials. 6. Call a(n) _________ to fix the damage to the roof. 5. Listen and read the job listings for construction companies again. What kind of workers is TPX Management hiring? Listening

6. Listen to a conversation between a construction company manager and a job applicant. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). 1. __ The woman worked at the same company for five years. 2. __ The woman was a foreman at an office building construction site. 3. __ The man has never been a foreman. 7. Listen again and complete the conversation. Manager: It’s my pleasure. Could you tell me about your previous 1______ ________? Applicant: Sure. I’ve actually done a 2______ _______ ________ everything. Altogether I have about five years of experience as a foreman. Manager: I see. And that was for 3________ _________? Applicant: Yes. 4________ _________, I was a foreman at the site of the new office building on Grand Avenue. AUK Construction built it. Manager: Ah, I know the one. How many workers did you 5________ there? Applicant: I was 6_______ ________ _________ most of the unskilled laborers. There were about twenty on 7________ _________ _________. Manager: That sounds like a lot to handle. What was your greatest challenge? Applicant: Just making sure everyone was in the right place at the right time. You know, doing their jobs but also being safe.

Speaking 8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7.Then, switch roles.

USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS: I have … For example … What was your greatest challenge … Student A: You are a construction company manager, Talk to Student B about: experience needed for a job a specific job Student B has done the biggest challenge at a previous job Student B: You are a job applicant. Talk to Student A about experience needed for a job.

Writing 9. Use the job listings and the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the job applicant evaluation. TPX Management Job Applicant Evaluation Applicant: _________________________ Position:__________________________ Experience:________________________ __________________________________ Previous job:________________________ ___________________________________ Biggest challenge:____________________ ___________________________________


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