Unit 12. Formwork 2.
WOOD Formwork
How It Works
Several kinds of formwork are used in the construction Industry today. The use of modular systems, permanent insulated formwork, and stay-in-place formwork is on the rise. However, the most common and affordable system remains wood formwork.
Wooden formwork is made of timber and plywood. It is assembled at the building site. Wood can be used to make both wall forms and footing forms. Footing forms produce concrete columns and walls to serve as structure bases.
There are five essential parts to a wooden wall form. Sheathing lines the inside of the form to shape and hold the concrete. Vertical studs make a framework and support the sheathing. Horizontal wales serve to align the form and keep the studs in place. Braces help to keep the form standing up. Last, tie-spreader units maintain the correct spacing of the form. This basic structure has helped to erect buildings around the world.
1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.
1. What material is formwork commonly made from?
2. What part of a wooden formwork keeps it standing?
2. Read the article on wood formwork. Choose the correct answers.
1. What type of formwork is used most often?
A. wooden formwork
B. modular formwork
C. stay-in-place formwork
D. permanent insulated formwork
2. Which of the following is NOT part of a wall form?
A. braces
B. sheathing
C. tie-spreader unit
D. concrete column
3. What do wales do in a wall form?
A. hold the concrete
B. make the framework
C. maintain form spacing
D. keep the studs in position
3. Match the words (1-6) with the definition.
1 __ sheathing 4 __ tie-spreader unit
2 __ line 5 __ stay-in-place
3 __ wale 6 __ footing form
A. a horizontal piece of lumber used to support or retain earth
B. a device that holds the sides of a wall form at the correct spacing
C. made from prefabricated plastic forms that remain after the concrete has cured
D. a tube used to pour a concrete base column for a building structure
E. something that wraps around or surrounds something else
F. to cover the bottom or sides of something with a thin material
4. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.
1. brace /stud
A. Get a _________ to support this wall before it falls over.
B. The crew needs another________ to complete this wall form.
2. wall form / plywood
A. This _______ is missing a brace.
B. Usually, wooden formwork is made form ___________.
3. modular system / permanent insulated formwork
A. This ___________ will remain in place to give the structure added strength.
B. The contractor used a_________ made of aluminum sheets.
5 Listen and read the article on wood formwork again. What are the parts of a wooden wall form?
6. Listen to a conversation between two construction workers. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 __ The woman has not set up a plywood wall form before.
2 __ Braces are attached before wales.
3 __ The sheathing is attached after the tie-spreader units.
7. Listen again and complete the conversation.
Workers 2: Okay. Could you 1______ _______ that process for me? It's my first time doing it.
Worker 1: Sure. First we’ll 2 _____ _____ _____ _____ some studs with sheathing all along the wall form.
Worker 2: Okay. That gives us the basic shape.3 ______ ______?
Worker 1: We'll put wales 4 _____ _____ _____ to support them.
Worker 2: Wait a minute. Is that 5 _____ _____ _____ we attach braces?
Worker 1: Before. The braces attach to the wales, so the wales have to 6 _____ _____ _____
Worker 2: I see. And then we'll pour the concrete?
Worker 1: Only after we’ve put in some tie-spreader units. That will keep the spacing right.
Worker 2: I got it. It's not too complicated. I think I’m ready.
8. With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
Could you go over …
We’ll need to….
Is that before or after…
Student A: You are a construction worker talk to student B about:
· the process for putting up formwork
· the correct order of steps
· correcting a mistake In order
Student B: You are a construction worker talk to Student A about the process for putting up formwork.
9. Use the article and the conversation from Task 8 to complete the wooden formwork instructions.
Settings up a Wooden Formwork
First step: ____________________________________________________
Second step:___________________________________________________
Third step:______________________________________________________
Fourth step:____________________________________________________